Lawyer harassment and bullying
An interesting survey of lawyers by the Law Society relating to harassment, stress and bullying. Some of the key data is:
- Net job satisfaction is +61% (81% satisfied, 18 dissatisfied)
- Work life balance satisfaction is +31%
- Managers care about my well-being +62%
- Job is very stressful +22%
- Time pressures are unrealistic -9%
- Major culture changes are needed -37%
- 31% of female lawyers have been sexually harassed at some stage, and 5% of male lawyers
- 5% of female lawyers have been sexually harassed in the last year
- 98% of sexual harassment towards women is done by men
- 74% of sexual harassment towards men is done by women (and 26% men)
- 52% of lawyers have been bullied at some stage.
- 6% of lawyers have been bullied in the last six months
- 52% of bullying was done by male lawyers, 31% by female lawyers and 17% both genders equally