Five more Aussies gone! reports:

LABOR senator Katy Gallagher will quit Parliament over dual citizenship and three other MPs are now being shown the door.

WE are set for an expensive, unsettling and prolonged season of elections from individual seats to a national ballot.

That’s the consequence of the High Court decision today that Labor’s Katy Gallagher had to quit the Senate because she was a dual citizen when elected, breaching eligibility rules in the Constitution.

The Government is insisting three Labor members of the House of Representatives and a minor party MP follow Senator Gallagher out of Parliament.

The flow-on dual citizenship casualties include Labor’s Susan Lamb in the Queensland seat of Longman, Justine Keay in the Tasmanian seat of Braddon, Josh Wilson in the West Australian seat of Fremantle, and the Centre Alliance’s Rebekha Sharkie in the South Australian seat of Mayo.

The number of MPs and Senators forced to resign because they were dual citizens is now well into double figures.

  1. Scott Ludlam, co-deputy Greens leader
  2. Larissa Waters, co-deputy Greens leader
  3. Malcolm Roberts, One Nation Senator
  4. Barnaby Joyce, Deputy PM and Nationals leader
  5. Fiona Nash, National Senator
  6. Stephen Parry, President of the Senate
  7. John Alexander, Liberal MP
  8. Jacqui Lambie, Independent Senator
  9. Skye Kakoschke-Moore, Senator
  10. David Feeney, Labor Senator
  11. Katy Gallagher, Labor Senator
  12. Susan Lamb, Labor MP
  13. Justine Keay, Labor MP
  14. Josh WIlson, Labor MP
  15. Rebekha Sharkie, Centre Alliance MP

It will soon be easier to just list those remaining!

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