No youthquake
Gwynn Compton has done this graph showing the turnout by age for 2014 and 2017. There was no big youthquake. Some increase with 25 to 29 year olds but also 70+ year olds.
The overall turnout was 79.0% which was a significant increase from 76.8% in 2014. The lowest turnout group was 25 to 29 year olds at 67.6% and highest 65 to 69 year olds at 88.2%.
The turnout for those of Maori descent was 71.1% and 80.4% for everyone else.
But turnout stats only give part of the picture as not everyone enrols. We only have an estimate for the eligible population for each age group but this allows us to estimate the number of people who voted in each age group as a percentage of adults who could vote if they enrolled. The percentages are:
- All: 73.1%
- 18-24: 50.0%
- 25-29: 54.2%
- 30-34: 63.9%
- 45-39: 72.5%
- 40-44: 75.3%
- 45-49: 78.4%
- 50-54: 80.3%
- 55-59: 83.9%
- 60-64: 85.4%
- 65-69: 87.0%
- 70+: 85.2%