Stats NZ on building consents
Stats NZ announced:
- About 97 percent of dwelling consents lead to a home being finished, though it dropped to about 93 percent during the 2008 global financial crisis.
- It currently takes about 10 months for a new home to be built after a dwelling consent is issued. The lag was about six months in 1998, and 12 months in 2008.
- About 28,000 new dwellings were completed in the year ended March 2017. Just under 31,000 dwellings were consented during the same period.
So Labour often goes on how consents don’t mean anything as you can’t live in a consent etc and many don’t become houses. Well actually 97% of them do.
And of interest the gap between a consent and a completed home is only 10 months now, down from 12 months in 2008.