More AUSA referenda
The fine folks at AUSA are at it again. Two accepted referendums are:
- Should AUSA disaffiliate the Pro-Life Auckland Club?
- Should AUSA prevent the future club affiliation of any group with a prolife ideology?
Other major issues are:
- Should AUSA campaign for more student microwaves on campus, including a vegan-food-only microwave?
Yes thousands of Auckland students will get to vote on a vegan-food-only microwave!
Also of interest is the proposed referenda not accepted:
- Should AUSA disaffiliate the Young Nats?
They rejected this question as they say it would breach their charitable status. So it is okay to disaffiliate a pro-life group but not the Young Nats?
The one hope is this question:
- Should AUSA only allow club disaffiliation to be based on either misconduct or violation of the AUSA Constitution?
That should be the only basis for disaffiliation. Disaffiliation based on political opinion is a terrible idea.