Biggest and smallest majorities
So who has the largest majorities in Parliament. They are:
- Amy Adams, Selwyn, 19,639
- Mark Mitchell, Rodney, 19,561
- Andrew Bayly, Hunua, 19,443
- Erica Stanford, East Coast Bays, 16,290
- Tim van de Molen, Waikato, 15,452
- Simon O’Connor, Tamaki, 15,402
- Jacinda Ardern, Mt Albert, 15,264
- Barbara Kuriger, Taranaki-King Country, 15,259
- Aupito Tofae Sua William Sio, Mangere, 14,597
- Simeon Brown, Pakuranga, 14,886
And the smallest majorities are:
- Adrian Rurawhe, Te Tai Hauauru, 1,039
- Greg O’Connor, Ohariu, 1,051
- Matt King, Northland, 1,389
- Chris Bishop, Hutt South, 1,530
- Nikki Kaye, Auckland Central, 1,581
- Harete Hipango, Whanganui, 1,706
- Tamati Coffey, Waiariki, 1,719
- Denise Lee, Maungakiekie 2,157
- Lawrence Yule, Tukituki, 2,813
- Deborah Russell, New Lynn, 2,825
So of the 10 safest seats eight are National and two are Labour.
Of the 10 most marginal six are National and four are Labour.