Final 2017 Green Party List
The final top 20 for the Green Party list is below with changes from the initial list in brackets:
- Metiria Turei (nc)
- James Shaw (nc)
- Marama Davidson (+1)
- Julie Anne Genter (-1)
- Eugenie Sage (nc)
- Gareth Hughes (+1)
- Jan Logie (-1)
- Kennedy Graham (+3)
- Chloe Swarbrick (+4)
- Golriz Ghahraman (+5)
- Mojo Mathers (-3)
- Barry Coates (-2)
- Jack McDonald (-4)
- John Hart (-2)
- Denise Roche (-1)
- David Clendon (nc)
- Hayley Holt (+13)
- Teall Crossen (+1)
- Teanau Tuiono (-2)
- Leilani Tamu (-2)
The top 14 are likely to be MPs on current polling so they may get new MPs of Swarbrick, Ghahraman, McDonald and Hart and lose Roche and Clendon. That’s pretty good renewal, and I have to say a pretty strong party list which will appeal to their target voters.
However the Greens seem to have ignored their rule that men should make up at least 40% of the list at each rank after the first three. The male percentage at each rank is:
- 4 – 25%
- 5 – 20%
- 6 – 33%
- 7 – 29%
- 8 – 38%
- 9 – 33%
- 10 – 30%
- 11 – 28%
Now I personally think a rule demanding equality is stupid and if they have better female candidates than male candidates they should be able to rank them higher.
Their rules are a bit complicated and require each place to be allocated by looking at the next three places on the member voted list. If there is some-one there from an under-represented gender then they should be given the place.
So for there to be only three men in the top 11, means that the members voted only three men in the top 13 – or they ignored their own rules.