Democrats locked out at every level of Government

The Democrats are locked out of Government at almost every level after these elections. The stats are:

  • State lower houses – 17 out of 50
  • State upper houses – 13 out of 50
  • State governors – 15 out of 50
  • State control (governor and both houses) – seven out of 50
  • US House – 193 out of 435
  • Senators – 46 out of 100
  • Presidential states won – 20 out of 50 (plus DC)

So the Democrats have control of only seven out of 50 states. By contrast the Republicans have full control in 26 out of the 50 states. In 2009 the Democrats had control of 27 states, so a huge reduction to seven.

They have gone from 28 Governors to just 15.

This is the worst level of representation for Democrats since the Civil War and the best representation for the Republican Party in their history.

The House won’t change without an implosion (possible with Trump) and 76% of the Senate seats up in 2018 are Democratic held and hence very unlikely to change hands.

Also if we look at the judicial branch, things are grim. The Supreme Court will soon have a 5-4 majority of Republican appointments but there are three Justices already older than the average retirement aged so it could ed up 7-2 on the court.

And if we look at the Circuit Courts of Appeals they are currently dominated by Democratic appointments – 93 to 75. But on average a President appoints 30 per term and has a net gain of 15 so should end up around 90 to 78.


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