NZ 1st in world for doing business
The World Bank has done its 2017 Doing Business report. It compares business regulation for domestic firms in 190 economies.
The top 10 are:
- New Zealand 87.01
- Singapore 85.05
- Denmark 84.87
- Hong Kong 84.21
- Korea 84.07
- Norway 82.82
- UK 82.74
- US 82.45
- Sweden 82.13
- Macedonia 81.74
The bottom five are:
- Somalia
- Eritrea
- Libya
- Venezuela
- South Sudan
NZ’s ranks on individual measures was:
- Starting a business 1st
- Dealing with construction permits 1st
- Registering property 1st
- Getting credit 1st
- Protecting minority investors 1st
- Paying taxes 11th
- Enforcing contracts 13th
- Getting electricity 34th
- Resolving insolvency 34th
- Trading across borders 55th
Some of this is down to specific laws, but a lot comes down to having made it easier to do more and more Government interaction online.