South Auckland Middle School vs other Decile 1 schools
The South Auckland Middle School is a charter school and its student population makes it a decile 1 school.
So how has this school done against the average decile 1 state school for national standards. The data follows,. Note the SAMS data is for 2015 and the national average is for 2014 (as 2015 not yet available), but probably will not have changed much.
- Year 7 reading 73% vs 58%
- Year 7 maths 63% vs 57%
- Year 7 writing 77% vs 51%
- Year 8 reading 70% vs 62%
- Year 8 maths 77% vs 51%
- Year 8 writing 70% vs 52%
Again I remind people Labour has vowed to close this school down.