Latest crime stats
Stats NZ and the Police released the latest crime stats today.
Here’s the change in various crime rates (per 10,000 people) since 2008:
- Homicide rate down 39%
- Violent offence rate down 11%
- Robbery rate down 26%
- Burglary rate down 17%
- Theft rate down 18%
- Sexual offending rate up 30%
So all but sexual offending rates are down, and that may be more due to increased reporting than a change in the incident rate – very hard to know.
Also the change over the last 18 months, since 2012:
- Homicide rate down 6%
- Violent offence rate down 5%
- Robbery rate down 1%
- Burglary rate down 3%
- Theft rate up 1%
- Sexual offending rate up 8%