New Zealanders with disabilities
Some interesting data from Stats NZ 2013 disability survey.
- 24% (1.06 million) of the population have a disability, up from 20% (760 million) in 2001
- By age 11% of under 15s have a disability rising to 59% of over 65%
- By ethnicity 23% of Maori aged 15 to 44 have a disability, 16% of Europeans, 17% of Pacific and just 10% of Asians
- 11% of population have a sensory disability, 14% physical, 2% intellectual, and 5% psychiatric/psychological
- 9% have a hearing disability, 4% a sight disability, 13% a mobility disability, 7% agility disability, 3% speaking disability, 5% learning disability and 4% remembering disability
- 41% of those with a disability say it is due to disease or illness, 31% accident or injury, 14% had since birth and 28% due to aging
- Auckland has the lowest disability rate at 19% and Taranaki highest at 30%