The Greens’ Internet Rights and Freedom Bill
The Greens have released a crowdsourced bill – the Internet Rights and Freedoms Bill. It’s a serious and valuable contribution to politics and the Internet. There are three major aspects to their proposal.
- Ten Internet rights and freedoms
- Creation of an Internet Rights Commissioner within the Human Rights Commission
- Creating a Chief Technical Officer (CTO) for the NZ Government.
The ten proposed Internet rights and freedoms are:
- Right to Access
- Freedom from search, surveillance and interception
- Freedom of expression
- Freedom of association
- Right to privacy
- Right to encryption technology
- Right to anonymity
- Right to a safe and secure Internet
- Freedom of innovation
- Freedom from restriction
The full bill is here.
While I don’t agree with everything in the bill, there’s a lot I do agree with, and I think it would be an excellent bill to pass first reading and go to select committee for feedback.