Peters right on this one
The Herald reports:
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters has taken the rare step of going into bat for the Prime Minister over Waitangi Day protests, saying those who use the occasion to shout and disrupt the Prime Minister’s attendance at Te Tii Marae are “crapping on their own heritage”.
Prime Minister John Key is to be welcomed on to Te Tii Marae today and has said he expects protests, having been grabbed and shouted down in previous years.
The initial signs that this year would also be restive came yesterday when the Governor-General was shouted at and there was a scuffle between protester Hinewhare Harawira and marae elders at the door of the meeting house.
If the PM announced he would never attend Waitangi Day at Te Tii Marae again, he’d probably go up 10% in the polls.