Quickflix on Tivo
Quickflix have announced:
Quickflix today announces that it has entered an agreement with Hybrid Television Services Pty Ltd (Hybrid) for the streaming download of Quickflix subscription and pay-per-view movies and TV shows to owners of TiVo media devices in Australia and New Zealand.
Hybrid is the operator and licensee of TiVo in Australia and New Zealand.
The TiVo media device is one of the world’s best known digital video recorders with a revolutionary easy-to-use-interface and highly-engaged customer base. Quickflix’s streaming download to the TiVo media device will replace the existing CASPA video on demand service in December. TiVo customers will be able to access the Quickflix digital service through their TiVo media device as well as other registered devices including a wide range of smart TVs, game consoles, tablets and smartphones.
I’ve yet to try Quickflix, but am tempted to do so. How have others found it?