Please Labour stop blaming the person who needs protection
The Herald reports:
Labour’s police spokesman Kris Faafoi said the results showed a high level of use of the DPS by John Key.
“It shows how much the PM has stretched them.”
A spokeswoman for Mr Key said police made decisions on DPS staff assignments.
“The Prime Minister highly values his protection staff who are extremely professional and very hard working in sometimes challenging circumstances.”
I really wish Labour would stop their multi-year campaign of attacking the PM because he has Diplomatic Protection Squad Police accompany him. Its disgraceful. Their antics create a culture where politics may affect decisions around safety of the Prime Minister.
The PM (and previous PMs) get DPS protection because people threaten to kill them. It is not a perk of the job. It is a sad necessity. Labour should not blame the victim!
I hope when National is in opposition they are never so desperate as to criticise a Labour Prime Minister for having DPS accompany them.
Mind you if David Cunliffe wins, he may need the DPS to actually attend caucus meetings to protect him from his colleagues 🙂