Latest newspaper readership stats
The latest Nielsen data is here. Major papers are:
- NZ Herald 539,000 (-27,000, -6% drop in last year)
- Waikato Times 87,000 (-17,000, -17%)
- Dominion Post 234,000 (-7,000, -4%)
- The Press 209,000 (-29,000, -13%)
- ODT 98,000 (-4,000, -5%)
Significant that despite a growing population, all major dailies dropped.
- Sunday News 203,000 (-60,000, -23%)
- SST 432,000 (-82,000, -17%)
- HoS 366,000 (-28,000, -8%)
- NBR 51,000 (-4,000, -9%)
The two Fairfax weeklies are plummeting. We may see the HoS beat the SST in the next few years – remarakable as the HoS was only created a few years ago.