The manufactured inquiry report
The report of the Labour/Greens/NZ First/Mana inquiry into manufacturing is here.
The best comment in the report was on page 24:
Manufacturing Strategy: submitters made it plain that there was little interest on their part in further “talkfests” about the future of manufacturing in New Zealand, or about the need for a “Manufacturing Strategy”, requiring further extended discussion
Which is ironic, as that is what the entire inquiry has been – a massive talkfest.
What is most hilarious is the major recommendations for macro-economic policy:
- a fairer and less volatile exchange rate through reforms to monetary policy
- refocusing capital investment into the productive economy, rather than housing speculation;
- and lowering structural costs in the economy, such as electricity prices
How amazing. By total coincidence the major macro-economic recommendations happen to be the pre-existing policy of Labour et al. They didn’t even have to think up any new policies.