Novopay – is the worst over?
Stuff reports:
Tom Parsons, president of the Secondary Principals’ Association, said Novopay had a serious image problem that would continue to dog it, but the improvement had been remarkable.
“If you’d been repeatedly underpaid by it … whenever the word Novopay comes up you’ll roll your eyes.
“Throughout the sector that’s happening already, which is a shame because the system of today bears no resemblance to what we had pre-Christmas.”
Waikanae School principal Bevan Campbell said Novopay was still not user-friendly, “[but] I think they have been working really hard to fix it up. Now that the powers that be have realised the massive stuff-up, they are actually trying to fix it.”
The key thing, in my mind, is to get it to a stage where the level of manual data entry from the helpdesk is minimal. If schools can enter and validate all the data themselves, that will make a huge difference.