Have your say on .nz domain names
The .nz Domain Name Commission Ltd is consulting on whether registrations should be allowed at the 2nd level. This means that people would be able to register (for example) farrar.nz rather than have to choose a third level name such as farrar.co.nz or farrar.net.nz etc. This would be the most significant policy change to .nz since it was created in 19870.
People can make formal submissions at the above link until 27 September. But there will also be five public meetings, at which you can come along to learn more about the proposal, and provide feedback. The South Island meetings were last week but the details for the other three are:
- Wednesday 29 August, 5.00 – 6.30pm, Rydges Hotel, Auckland
- Tuesday 4 September 5.00-6.30pm, James Cook Hotel, Wellington
- Wednesday 5 September 5.00-6.30pm, at www.R2.co.nz/20120905
Incidentally I’m a Director of the DNCL, and will be chairing those three meetings. The purpose of the meetings is not just to get feedback on whether people support or oppose the opening up of second level registrations, but also feedback on the specifics of the proposal such as the sunrise period, the conflicts policy etc.
If you would like to attend please RSVP to the DNC team at info@dnc.org.nz or phone 04 495 2110.