Curia’s Polling Newsletter – Issue 56, April 2012

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Curia’s Polling Newsletter – Issue 56, April 2012

 April saw four political polls published – two Roy Morgan polls a 3 News Reid Research poll and a Herald Digipoll.

The average of the public polls has National 19% ahead of Labour, up from 18% in March. The centre-right has 63 out of 121 seats on the April average.

Australia has the Government 17% to 18% behind the Opposition on a two party preferred basis. Gillard’s approval ratings are at record lows with 63% disapproval.

In the United States Barack Obama is 1..9% ahead of Mitt Romney in the polls, but projected to be well ahead in likely electoral college votes. His re-election chances are now rated at 60%, down from 61% last month.

The Republicans remained favoured to keep control in the House (72%) and gain a majority in the Senate (63%).

In the UK the Conservatives are now 9% behind Labour, and were trounced in the local elections.

In Canada the Conservatives are still impacted by a fake robo-call scandal and the NDP is now level with them in the polls.

The normal two tables are provided comparing the country direction sentiment and head of government approval sentiment for the five countries. New Zealand continues to stand out in both.

We also carry details of polls in New Zealand on Epsom, the 2011 Election, paid parental leave, the Sky City plus the normal business and consumer confidence polls.

This newsletter is normally only available by e-mail.  If you would like to receive future issues, please e-mail with your name, organization (if applicable) and e-mail address or go to to subscribe yourself.

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