Kiwiblog 2011 Stats

All stats from Google Analytics for 2011 calendar year.

Main Stats

  • Visits – 3,550,071 (2,993,948) – 19% annual increase
  • Visitors – 746,662 (718,046)
  • Pageviews – 7,082,230 (6,487,007)

Country of Visitors

  1. NZ 84.3%
  2. Australia 4.8%
  3. US 3.0%
  4. UK 2.5%
  5. Canada 0.6%
  6. Singapore 0.3%
  7. Japan 0.3%
  8. Germany 0.3%
  9. India 0.2%

City of Visitors

  1. Auckland 37.2%
  2. Wellington 23.3%
  3. Christchurch 8.5%
  4. Hamilton 2.5%
  5. Dunedin 2.0%
  6. Sydney 1.6%
  7. Palm Nth 1.6%
  8. Mechanics Bay 1.5%
  9. Melbourne 1.4%
  10. Nelson 1.0%


  1. IE 37.0% (-8.3%)
  2. Firefox 26.2% (-4.1%)
  3. Safari 18.1% (+6.1%)
  4. Chrome 15.1% (+4.8%)
  5. Android 1.1%
  6. Opera 0.9%

Operating Systems

  1. Windows 73.5% (-8.2%)
  2. Mac 14.0% (+1.3%)
  3. iPhone 4.4% (+2.3%)
  4. iPad 3.4% (++2.7%)
  5. Linux 1.5% (-0.1%)

Hosts (excluding ISPs)

  1. VUW 21,264
  2. MOJ 15,779
  3. MSD 10,865
  4. Massey 9,306
  5. APN 6,930
  6. Air NZ 5,707
  7. Fonterra 5,279
  8. Treasury 4,798
  9. MOE 4,755
  10. NZ Post 4,500
  11. Westpac 4,028
  12. Ak City Council – 3,759
  13. TVNZ 3,636


  1. 35.0% search
  2. 29.3% referral
  3. 35.7% direct

Search Terms (excluding Kiwiblog and my name)

  1. Cactus Kate
  2. Cathy Odgers
  3. Malcolm Harbrow
  4. Whale Oil
  5. Matthew Hooton
  6. Erin Leigh
  7. Labour List
  8. VSM bill
  9. Liz Shaw
  10. Mana Party
  11. Kate Sutton
  12. Owen Glenn
  13. Whaleoil
  14. Vote for Change
  15. The spirit level


  1. No Minister
  2. Whale Oil
  3. Facebook
  4. NZ Herald
  5. Dim Post
  6. Keeping Stock
  7. Cactus Kate
  8. Scoop
  9. The Standard
  10. NZ Conservative

Also currently Kiwiblog has had:

  • 21,188 posts, of which approx 2,800 were made in 2011
  • 790,704 comments, of which approx 140,000 were made in 2011
  • 4,020 tags
  • 7,514 registered commenters

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