An e-mail from Sir Bob
In my Herald column of 28 October I wrote:
Introducing the principle of means testing, is another very welcome step. I think it is wrong that we pay millionaires such as Sir Bob Jones, NZ Superannuation.
Sir Bob has e-mailed to comment:
Dear David,
Before using a photo of me to make your point you could have enquired whether I actually receive the Government super, which I have been eligible for over the past seven years.
The answer is I don’t. It is essentially a form of welfare which I absolutely don’t need.
That said I have been shocked at people of considerable wealth whom I know and who do take it.
Just possibly I am not just the only New Zealander who doesn’t have a cellphone but also the only eligible Kiwi who doesn’t take the super.
Best wishes,
Bob Jones
My thanks to Sir Bob for putting the record straight. In hindsight I am not surprised he doesn’t take it. I wonder how many others do not take it, whom are entitled to?