Truth in Advertising
Red Alert has been showing off some videos sent in by concerned citizens, who shock horror just happen to be members of Young Labour.
Now good on them for getting involved, but it would be nice if someone pointed out to them that they are not meant to lie and deceive over what National is promising until they are MPs. Take the asset sales video.
It starts off with someone offering trains for sale. Now I wish the trains were for sale. Far from it. National is spending around $2 billion of taxpayers money on buying new trains, upgrading current stock, and electrification of lines. And their policy is for the Government to retain 100% ownership of Kiwirail.
So the advertisement starts with what can only be called a massive blatant lie. This is of course why they promote it on Red Alert.
The ad follows on with partial lies, saying people can buy power companies – they can all be yours. No mention at all that only minority stakes will be offered, and no you won’t be able to buy your own power company – you’ll just be able to buy some shares in a power company. But hey lets not facts get in the way.
Then the advertisement reverts back to a full lie. It claims Kiwibank is for sale, and at half price. Again, somewhat sadly, Kiwibank is not for sale – not even one share. National’s policy is to retain 100% ownership of Kiwibank and NZ Post.
Following the total lie, we go back to a further partial lie. That Air New Zealand must go. Air NZ already has private minority ownership. The only change is the amount may go up, but remain under 50%.
So two total blatant lies, and two partial lies. Not bad for 53 seconds.