Green Party List
The Greens have released their final party list after ranking by members. Their top 15 are:
- Metiria Turei
- Russel Norman
- Kevin Hague
- Catherine Delahunty
- Kennedy Graham
- Eugenie Sage (+1)
- Gareth Hughes (-1)
- David Clendon (+1)
- Jan Logie (-1)
- Steffan Browning (+6)
- Denise Roche
- Holly Walker (-2)
- Julie Anne Genter (-1)
- Mojo Mathers (-1)
- James Shaw (-1)
The number in brackets is the movement from the draft list compiled by the hierarchy, which I blogged in April.
The big mover is Browning. He was No 12 on the list in 2008. The hierarchy put him down at no 16 which is highly unlikely to win, but the members put him up to no 10 where is highly likely to make him an MP.
The press release from Metiria Turei doesn’t mention Browning at all, despite him being the big mover. This suggests they are not too happy with his promotion – possibly he is seen as too old being in his late 50s.
There is a bit of history here. Browning is from Marlborough/Nelson and that branch has a history of using their members to push their locals up the list rankings. They did the same with Mike Ward.
It will be interesting to see how well the Greens do at the election. If Labour collapse they will be the beneficiary. On the other hand, the Mana Party may well be competing with the Greens for similiar voters.