The independent research into national standards
Whale Oil blogged how media uncritically reported an NZEI media release as news, including this line:
3News has the headline: NZEI begins independent assessment of National Standards [emphasis mine]
And the release says:
A teacher union is funding independent research into the impact of the new National Standards in schools. …
“Given the absence of a trial of National Standards and the deep concerns the profession and school communities have, NZEI has decided to fund this research in a bid to get robust evidence about the impact of National Standards on teaching and learning,” he said.
The project is being run through the Wilf Malcolm Institute for Educational Research at the University of Waikato and is headed by Prof Martin Thrupp.
Both Whale and I have been blessed with the psychic ability of Deb Webber and Ken Ring and we can predict that this research will conclude that national standards are a disaster and have a hugely detrimental impact on teaching and learning.
Well actually we can’t predict the future. Instead Whale just used Google:
Hmmm… I wonder if this is the same “independent Martin Thrupp that has railed against national standards in March 2010, and is it the same Martin Thrupp who is very active on the national Standards protest site, including this blog post about how to get traction in the media against National Standards and the same martin Thrupp who sent an email of support to the NZPF for their action against National Standards?
I’m now awaiting the Government of Libya to announce they have appointed independent human rights expert Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi to lead independent research into whether the Government of Libya has breached any human rights.