Final Mana Result
The final Mana result is out – 1,406 final majority, under 1/4 of 2008. Faafoi got the polling day specials go his way 3:1.
The final margin is 6%, down from 18% in 2008. Turnout was 55%.
Of interest 485 people tried to vote who were not enrolled.
Area | Parata % | Faafoi % | Parata ^ | Faafoi ^ | Margin |
Porirua East | 11% | 82% | +1% | 0% | 2940 |
Porirua West | 35% | 51% | +7% | -8% | 654 |
Northern Suburbs | 67% | 24% | +12% | -10% | -2241 |
Kapiti | 47% | 37% | +6% | -8% | -634 |
Advance Votes | 37% | 51% | -4% | +2% | 341 |
Specials | 27% | 63% | -3% | +9% | 346 |
Total | 41% | 47% | 6% | -6% | 1406 |
This table shows the final result broken down by area.
As one can see it is the margin in Porirua East that makes such a difference. And it was the one area where there was effectively movement.
Faafoi did very well on special votes – 63% of them.