
Saunders Unsworth had their annual bash last night. I timed my holiday so I would be back in time for it!

Was arguably the most well attended to date. I think I counted around 70 MPs there at one stage or another, and well over 400 all up. As always met a few new interesting people, had some interesting chats (which always remain off the blog) across the political spectrum, and ended up out until rather late.

Not sure exactly when but a bit before midnight around 15 or so of us headed to Motel to carry on the conversation and the hospitality. Was a good choice of venue and we carried on there until the last of us left at around 3 am. A quick purchase of some food on Courtney Place and finally got home around 3.30 am.

For once jet lag was my friend, and I wasn’t sleepy at 3.30 am, so ended up writing up a couple of client reports from 4 am to 7 am! Then some blogging. Am starting to get tired now so hope to have a snooze this afternoon, before I head out to dinner and Downstage this afternoon.