The Time Traveler’s Wife

I haven’t seen the movie, and only picked up the book at the weekend. I found it very addictive, and can see why it has become so popular.

The way Niffenegger lets the story unfold, starting with the first time Henry meets Clare (but not the first time Clare meets Henry) is superb. She uses the time travel to let parts of their story be slowly pealed back, like an orange.

There are many warm and happy moments in the book, and not not a huge amount of suspense (as Henry and Clare both know parts of the future). The final scores of pages are quite emotional as something inevitable draws closer and closer.

I’d go so far as to call it the best book I have read in the last six months or so (and I read a lot of books!). The movie sounds like it was pretty crappy, but I do recommend the book.

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