Blog Bits
- Heather Roy recommends people see “A day in Pompeii” at Te Papa. I certainly plan to go, even though I have been to the actual Pompeii also.
- Moana Mackey on Red Alert has photos of the wedding of James Coyle (my co-covenor of The American Politics Appreciation Society) and Deborah Mahuta. Congrats to them.
- And in the cute photo competition, we have Lindsay Mitchell’s photo of her two week old kittens.
- Six Revisions has the 15 biggest Internet scandals of the last decade.
- Frog Blog celebrates 100,000 comments. Congrats.
- Bernard Hickey reports that NZ has just had its first current account surplus since 1988, so that breaks a run of 82 quarters of deficits. But looks to be a one off due to the Aussie owned banks paying their back taxes.
- Cactus Kate gives Red Alert and Trevor Mallard her Blog of the Year Award. One can only enjoy her reasons for doing so.
- Roar Prawn blogs what she wants her mates to get for Xmas – always thinking of others 🙂
- Eric Crampton lists some iPredict stocks where you can get a 1% to 2% return over two weeks.
- Bernard Hickey hands out the Interesties Awards.
- Steven Price talks name suppression and says that merely telling someone the name one on one is unlikely to be considered publication.
- The Dim-Post celebrates Rage against the Machine topping the UK charts.