Another blog story not credited
As I blogged earlier, Whale Oil broke the story of the DIA misleading journalists in relation to inquiries over Winston’s ministerial car.
TV3 covered the story tonight, which was great. But it is regrettable they didn’t credit Whale Oil with the story. As far as I know, no-one else had the documents he obtained. Maybe they sourced it independently, but I know the blog post in question had been seen by them.
TV3 got Dom Post Deputy Editor on camera saying it was a cover up. Godo on them for not mincing words. I do wonder why the Dom Post did not publish at their time, their belief DIA misled them, let alone ask for documents under the OIA?
I enjoyed Phil Goff criticising DIA for the cover up. Who would have ever though a story started by Whale Oil would end up having Phil Goff agreeing with it
UPDATE: A TV3 staffer has confirmed with me that they did receive the DIA documents independently, and were not reliant on the blog story. Hence the issue of credit does not apply. Appreciate the update from them.