The good old Captain Cook
Oh what memories this story in the ODT brings back of the Captain Cook and life in Dunedin.
The twice-yearly Cook-a-thon at the Captain Cook Tavern in Dunedin was a colourful and fun affair yesterday, marred by 10 arrests for mostly disorderly behaviour offences later in the afternoon.
More than 1000 students dressed in outfits from power rangers, male fairies, a policeman in speedos to Oompa Loompa’s to celebrate the start of the University of Otago second semester.
Hundreds queued for the 10am Cook-a-thon start, with about 500 in the tavern by noon, paying $25 for a T-shirt, jug of beer and three meals during the day.
Those not wanting to queue set up parties in Clyde and Castle Sts.
I was interviewed by the lovely folks from Road Trip Nation in Wellington yesterday, and by coincidence quite a bit of the conversation was about my university years and life at Otago. It really is a unique experience. I can never work out why people study anywhere else