Dom Post defends free speech

An excellent editorial from the Dom Post on free speech, even for offensive views. Some extracts:

The answer is neither to stop groups such as Hammerskins and the peace advocates from expressing their views, nor, as others advocate, ignore them and hope that a complete lack of publicity stifles them.

There can be no rational defence for suppressing views simply because they do not accord with the orthodoxy of the day.

The solution is not to ignore those rantings, but to expose them to the full glare of publicity.

Some may argue that is what they want, that extremists of all stripes seek to provoke, and that to give them publicity is the equivalent of promoting their ideas. That is to display too little faith in the public’s ability to recognise arrant nonsense when they hear it.

Skinhead white supremicists are entitled to their beliefs. However, they should not expect to hold those beliefs unchallenged.

If they wish to celebrate Hitler’s birthday and to pursue his repellent philosophies they must expect to be exposed to the contempt they deserve. So too should those who confuse a sombre commemoration of past sacrifice with war-mongering.


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