James Shaw
- Did James Shaw actually fund a housing development? September 9, 2020
- How many falsehoods were Green members told by Shaw? September 7, 2020
- Shaw contradicts Hipkins September 4, 2020
- Shaw greenmailed Government to get private school funded September 1, 2020
- Malpass on Green hypocrisy August 31, 2020
- Jacinda backing James October 31, 2019
- I hear the Greens are unhappy with James October 25, 2019
- Hosking praises Shaw July 23, 2019
- Greenpeace gives Zero Carbon Bill a 0 out of 10 May 14, 2019
- A disgusting attack March 14, 2019
- Has Shaw got the Greens to agree to a GM u-turn? March 5, 2019
- Flying to save the planet March 2, 2019
- Government left and far left hands not talking to each other April 23, 2018
- Government all talk no walk no climate change December 19, 2017
- Shaw lied about Ghahraman November 30, 2017
- James Shaw says he can’t afford a house on $250,000 a year August 24, 2017
- Shaw jumps the shark and Godwins himself May 18, 2017
- Shaw a hit at Labour conference November 5, 2016
- 47% of Kiwibank sold November 1, 2016
- Shaw and Turei already disagreeing June 5, 2016
- Greens dig a deeper hole with Kiwibank April 8, 2016
- Cullen slaps down Shaw April 7, 2016
- Shaw complaint fails September 16, 2015
- Many NZ views on Corbyn September 15, 2015
- Shaw on Muller July 25, 2015
- Hide-Shaw bromance over June 9, 2015
- Greens make the right choice May 30, 2015
- The non driving James Shaw May 29, 2015
- Shaw leading to date May 11, 2015
- Shaw runs after all March 12, 2015
- James Shaw on Republicanism November 12, 2012
- Green Party list April 9, 2011