The official Clark Brash Drinking Game
Tonight we have the first ever debate between the two contenders for Prime Minister – Helen Clark and Don Brash – on National Radio from 7 pm to 8 pm. We also have the party opening addresses on Tv One at 7.30 p.m.
To allow for more pleasurable viewing and listening, my flatmate and I present the official drinking game rules for the debate and/or the opening addresses.
Drink one sip if
Helen Clark mentions
* Working for Families
* Iraq
* Nuclear
* Better off with Labour
* Free interest on student loans
* More operations
or Don Brash mentions
* Tax Cuts for all working NZers
* Treaty of Waitangi
* Welfare Reform
* RMA means a road takes longer to get consent for than plan
* 600 people a week going to Australia
Drink two sips if
Helen Clark mentions
* David Lange
* Pledge card
Don Brash mentions
* Singapore
* One standard of citizenship
* how he used to be a peace protester
Drink three sips if
Helen Clark mentions
* George Hawkins
* Marian Hobbs
* Winston Peters
Don Brash mentions
* Winston Peters
* Iraq
* Nuclear
* Just a few farms
Drink the entire bottle if
Don Brash again says “The Prime Minister is absolutely correct”
Helen Clark says “You wouldn’t be wrong”
Drink everything you have if:
Helen Clark says “Of course I knew how fast we were going, I’m not stupid”
Don Brash says “Gone by lunchtime”
Suggestions for other rules can be made in the comments, and the better amongst them will be added to the official rules!