Orewa II
Don Brash delivered his keynote welfare reform speech last night, and from what I can tell nothing else was discussed on any talkback show last night. The show formerly known as Holmes devoted half an hour to it, and despite the lack of an opponent Steve Maharey managed to make himself look a bit foolish. The totally unscientific 0900 survey had much the results I would expect, which was 90% in favour.
The key challenge for National, in my opinion, is not just to rest on the laurels of some good speeches from Don. Their policies on need not race, on law and order and on welfare have substantial support from New Zealanders. What is needed is to keep talking about these issues, and convince the public that a National-led Government will deliver, and has the talent to form a Government which will implement these policies.
Don’s full speech is online. The abbreviated version is here, but I do recommend people read the entire speech – it is wonderfully crafted.
Key aspects, and my comments:
* Work to reduce the number of those on benefits from over 300,000 to 200,000 over ten years.
Good – a specific target which the public can hold a Government accountable to. 7/10
* Introduce a three-month trial period during which employers and employees can end an employment relationship without penalty. That will provide new job opportunities for beneficiaries perceived as