New Years Resolutions

Okay, here is my list for 2005:

1. To win Wellington Central
2. To stop falling for girls who live more than 10,000 kms away from Wellington
3. In fact to even stop falling for girls who live more than 100 kms away from Wellington
4. To travel to London and the UK after the election, and visit all my friends there
5. To hire another 50 staff for Curia Market Research
6. To keep promoting and protecting the Internet, hopefully as President of InternetNZ
7. To go to the gym at least three times a week, no matter how busy I am
8. To keep blogging
9. To stop sleeping with people I am not going out with
10. To tell my family and friends more often, how much they mean to me

Three of these will be easy to achieve, four will require a fair bit of effort and three will require considerable dedication and effort. And no I won’t say which falls into which category 🙂