Blog Stats
The normal logs for kiwiblog give me quite good overall stats, but they don’t allow me to see detailed info on who is visiting so I have installed Stat Counter.
Unless I pay for it, it only shows details for the last 100 visitors, but that has been amusing as I look at the terms people have been using to find my blog. We have had:
David Farrar
evers-swindell biography
‘Nicola Young’ + Wellington
social economic liberal farrar
brian tamaki wanker
The amusing thing with the last search term is that it has found me due to three seperate articles. The tamaki comes from my post on Scott Simpson possibly standing for Tamaki electorate, the wanker from an Alan Duff quote and the Brian from my preview of the enough march.
I also find amusing the reader who pointed out that if you search for bondage on NZ Google, this site comes up as the 11th highest match. And no not because I have been posting about encounters with dominant women, but due to my post highlighting a hilarious press release from National which complained that the “Government has had small business in bondage for so long”.
There is a bit of a downside to having your Google page rank increase!
I’ve got the stats counter open for public viewing at the moment so if anyone is bored they can check out my latest 100 for themselves.