TV Shows
I am loving Eating Media Lunch more and more. I was in hysterics at the item which purported to show Shrek slaughtered. I knew it would get some people worked up and as NZPA reports it got TVNZ deluged with complaints.
Hello people – it is a sheep. Thousands get slaughtered every day. Almost as funny as Jeremy Wells asking Linda Clark if she had had any Kiwi feline lately.
And yes I know I have a sick sense of humour before you all rush into to tell me. Incidentially the only bad review of Eating Media Lunch I have seen is by Pam Corkery, so that confirms it must be good. What made a newspaper think Corkery should review other TV programmes when she hosted one of the worst in history, I don’t know.
By contrast Quality Time with Havoc has stayed painful. Just trying too hard. Someone should put it out of its misery.
One of the problems of now being self employed is the amount of daytime TV I sort of watch (I like having it on in background). A diet of Buffy, Angel, Dawson’s Creek, Melrose Place and now Ally McBeal is not good. On the positive side reruns of Blue Heelers and The Bill are not bad.